The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Where did time go !!!

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It sort of crept up on me over the years, retirement looms in a month.  Plans are to downsize the workshop and dispose of a few machines, but keep sufficient for me to do odds and sods.   Been 20+yrs making prototypes and short production runs for local companies.  All on manual machines, I tended to pick up the stuff the CNC guys couldn't make enough money out of.  The 3D printing proved popular for a few years too.

No intention of building extensive models as could never put that much effort in to one project.  Saying that I do have my eye on a particular car that has taken my attention, wife wouldn't allow me to have another motorbike.
I guess all that's left is to sort out my one man leaving do  :lol:

I will have an Elliot 10M shaper and Myford Super 7 looking for new homes in the near future and whole bunch of other junk you pick up along the way to keep a business running irrespective of a local nuclear strike, diesel generator anyone ?


Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana!
Time always flies when you are having fun!
Enjoy your retirement, but expect to be at least as busy as before it happened!

Joules don't imagine 'retirement' will give you more time to do things - that's a falacy ! The jobs just seem to be added to the list faster than they can be cleared.  I currently have a back log having been suffering from Shingles for a couple of weeks - I don't recommend it - and appparently as we get to the age that the three of us in this thread have (late 60's to late 70's) apparently we are ALL suceptable to it - (it's a chicken pox virus that stays with us for life and develops into shingles is we get over tired or run down!)

Hoping to get into the workshop later today for the first time in three weeks.

Enjoy your retirement - need any more fleece to spin?

Did you have the shingles jab Andrew? I did when I was 70. I had shingles when I was 11 and remember how painful it was.

Sadly no Phil, our surgery kept very quiet about it. Wife's just had it and I can't have it for a few weeks until the symptoms subside. Apparently it's available 'on demand' from your 70th birthday up until your 79th - after that it's not available.My pill regime thankfuly is coming to an end now but up until yesterday I was on 27 either pills or ointments in every 24 hour - and it messes with your head! It got the right side of my head, all round the eye down the cheek and up onto the forehead - I must look a right horror as I've not been able to have my false eye in as it's too painful.

But back to Jules retirement . . a much happier subject I hope.


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