Hi All,
My wife God Bless Her has a fair idea about the goings on in the garage/sheds.
She is however at a bit of a loss as to why I "needed" to buy another lathe recently

In my explanation I likened it to buying a newer car with less mileage and a better shine
Now I need to sell the Colchester Triumph 2000 short bed and the Harrison 165 to recoup some of the money

I was able to try the new Colchester at the premises where it was for sale, So smooth and quiet(er) than my old beast, They kept it for finish work only it previously was in a print works
It will be a big loss to me that the very local engineering shop owners have retired and liquidated the business
I was a frequent caller to buy off cuts of material, payment was usually a contribution to the "Tea " fund
I do not know where to start looking now as all the old engineering shops are gone
