Finally fitted the Multifix to my Myford 10 and got tools on centre after having 2mm milled off the top of the compound, but as I hadn’t bored a hole before I thought got to do it one day so yes Okay so I changed my mind yet again, ( wife said it’s her place to change her mind not mine ) anyway I decided to use the original tool post stud and bore out a bush and the sleeve on top of Multifix, although I hadn’t done any boring before I found it was just as easy to bore as it is to turn down the OD apart from not being able to see what’s happening, I decided to make the bush first just in case I cocked the boring part up as I didn’t want to cock up the sleeve on the Multifix, I knew I had to shorten the stud but didn’t count on having to alter the nut as well because the adjuster on the tool holder fouled on it , I ended up cutting it in half and milling a couple of flats on it , ( it only needed one but looked odd ), I have about 1.5mm of adjustment so am happy with the outcome.