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Moving from Windows 7 to windows 10 - testing 1-2-3

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--- Quote from: sorveltaja on June 26, 2023, 06:55:04 PM ---Brave browser is about the only software I use, that nags about needing to update to W10 before next browser update. So far, for some reason Brave hasn't forced to update itself.
I use it only to watch Youtube videos, as it blocks all bloody annoying ads. In other words - Youtube like it used to be.

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Try Opera - it also blocks all those tedious adverts, and it doesn't nag about updating Windows :D It's also available for Linux, when you decide to make the switch  :thumbup:

Thanks Ade - I've just downloaded Opera and as you say it makes YouTube 'as it was' !


--- Quote from: awemawson on June 27, 2023, 09:42:54 AM ---Thanks Ade - I've just downloaded Opera and as you say it makes YouTube 'as it was' !

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I'll second that, thanks! :beer:


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