After Many years, I have finished the full drawings of the steam engine that powered the first Steam Powered All Steel Battleship, "the Monitor" from the US Civil War period.
Historians and authors refer to it as a "Ironclad", but it was not a wooden ship clad with iron, and in fact the engine identification by many is also incorrect. For some reason they call the engine a "Side lever" engine and it is as far from a side lever engine as can be !
Side Lever engines have vertical cylinders and are beam engines used with paddle-wheel ships , never with screw propeller ships. The Monitor is a "Vibrating Lever-Half Trunk engine " and is truly unique is design and operation. You may know that the only full size engine like this that exists is the one recovered from the ship wreck site in 2001 and is being restored at the Mariners Museum in Newport News Virginia USA.
There was very little information in the form of surviving drawings , and I have spent almost 50 years ( since 1974) researching all that was known and created not only a accurate scale model, but a full set of prototype drawings . The gracious Editor of Home Shop Machinist magazine has agreed to hosting the drawing files for all to download at no cost. This is a 309 page download divided into about 22 packets for all historians and model builders to have free access--For their Personal Use Only! They are not for resale or transfer and are protected with Copyright and US Government registration. Downloading these files is acknowledgement of this requirement
Here is a pic of my model
To download go here was an in-depth discussion on the model back in 2008 , go here for that info may also wish to visit my website for further information about this and other models and access a You tube video of it running for your interest