Being a geek

, I have loved playing Dungeon & Dragons. Been playing for a long time (80s) and I have enjoyed seeing it's comeback over the past few years. My son has taken an interest in playing, so one of the things I have been working on using a 3D printer for is miniatures.
While finding some to print, I found the fantasy themed "Mythic Mugs" from a designer named
Ars Moriendi. While he doesn't recommend you drink directly from the mugs, they are designed for beverage cans of different sizes (using inserts). They can also double as dice holders if you print them with threads and matching cap.
His files are premium. They do cost money (not much) BUT they are highly detailed and print without supports.
So I bought a few (and he has a free one and other free files). First one I printed was called
The Dwarf
Took awhile to print, but I am happy with the results.
Without further ado...