The spring upgrade is one of the first things recommended for an Ender 3, however despite buying them, my silicon buffer kit is still sat in the bag they came in, as I've never felt the need to upgrade
I do however run the stock springs pretty compressed, which is probably the big problem with anybody running the stock springs.
I'm also using a glass bed, so my Z switch sits a bit higher that normal, but even with the standard bed, you could just cut the locating tab off, and move it lower to get more compression on the springs.
The other option is adding a BL touch, which is something I keep considering, but I keep seeing mixed reviews about them. Plus there is a huge variation in prices depending on brand/source, and nobody seems to know how much they vary in quality/repeatability.
I upgraded mine last week to the SKR Mini E3 board (I opted for the integrated driver version), and the BigTreeTech 3.5 TFT.
The noisiest thing now are the cooling fans, with only a slight hum of the steppers at certain speeds. It's bizarre not hearing it home until you hear a switch click!
I wasn't that impressed with the TFT, but now I've updated it to the latest firmware with the unified graphics, it's far better. I do like how you can switch it between touchscreen and LCD mode, you just need to make sure you connect all the cables.
The E3 board is still running whatever firmware it shipped with (I really can't be bothered going down the software compiling rabbit hole just now to change something that's working fine!).
My next upgrade is a MicroSwiss extruder/hotend, which is currently in the post somewhere between the USA and here...