My understanding is that this TTS system is used if your mill has R8 AND you want to CNC. ISO30 would be nice, but if it is not in the cards then this TTS will allow relatively constant Z-location for the tool tips.
Tormach mill might have a niche market, but it really comes as expensive as real mills in the end.
Theere are some happy people with it
Search this site for "Tormach": read this: may want to see this:
V.S. sponcered Tormach:
All up price of Haas or such actually comes close, this shows size:
Office Mill, OM-1 or OM-2 (small, single phase) or Robodrill were something I consider few years ago buying used. Some office mills seemed to have gone trough very little use. Some Robodrills were run to destruction with drill/tapping. Even robodrill can mill whole lot more than Tormach.
Tool change, rapids, feeds and usually the come with coolant system, might be worh noting:
I don't have any of those, but seen office mills and robodrills live. Also talked to people that have used Tormach or their imediate friends have them. Consensus seem to be that to buy Tormach you really have to have serious weight limitation and power feed limitation and low needs for capacity, accuracy and resale value. Then again, there are
very few affordable options on that ecological niece. I never went to CNC and happy that way.
very few on last chapter.....tired when writing and brain not completely in gear