The Shop > Metal Stuff

Tig tungsten

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tom osselton:
Looks good what grit is the diamond wheel and do you grind them on their side or length wise as it supposedly can alter the arc grinding sideways.

   I made some simple arbor for a salvaged 1/3 hp motor that I attached a worn down to useless H46 surface grinding wheel on it and hung the assembly on the wall out of the way and it has been handy and perfectly capable of grinding tungston electrodes. It cost me nothing, has done it's job for years.
    Must say that I used to use a mig welder for everything but the sparks were always setting fire to my shop.. For work inside my machinery rooms the Tig  welder really shines.. I have managed to save jobs by building back up aluminum and steel parts while still in the mill vise after a too dull endmill has pulled out of its collet and ate deeper than the specs called for... My tig is a huge old 700 pound ,300 amp beast that will outlive me... I can repair my old beast, I couldn't do anything with a modern inverter if it fails me.
    Cant imagine why a good thread like this has stopped being attended when it is such a good subject. Me suspects it carried thru the life expectancy of the Horror freight tools...I don't buy from them, anything ever.. I've been in their stores twice...Could be some good in there that I didn't encounter.

tom osselton:
My welder is about 700 lbs too it’s a Miller 351 it’s a 220 version of the 350 unit.

Tom  I will have to Google Miller 351,as I am not a bit familiar with it. Miller is a good machine. My Mig welder , one of the few machines that I bought new is a Miller and I get out there every few years and clean it and add a coat of car polish...Hehhheheh . And actually at this moment I cant remember what my TIG beast is, Model ? Dialarc is the brand.., Old machine. Nearly everything I own is worn, wore out or broken.. But I like the old stuff.

 Today  I was sitting in the car an hour each way to the hospital for another round of Chemotherapy.. I got to thinking about my disdain for anything Harbor Freight and I decided that I have been very silly.. At least once a month I order something from China and while some is very good stuff , sometimes it's pure junk.. Those odds are just the same as going to Harbor freight- actually harbor Freight would be better if you are near a store as I am and can go in and look at the item before purchase. I received their email flyer today and reviewing it I see an electric chainsaw sharpener that I should go look at , maybe next week.

I built my first welder, but then got gifted hundreds of pounds of moving coil stick welder.  I mutated it almost beyond recognition, then got given a freakishly heavy and awesome tig machine.  I, of course, passed on the my other one in that noble spirit of giving tools a good home!

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