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my way to billd a stuart 10 horizontal engine

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hi more pics got a email back of Stuart there going to send out  sum replacement parts   any way all the parts that I am not working on I have put in a tub so they don't get lost lol (wee will se if that works ) today yep I hold me hand up I cheated I took the box bed in to work to  grind it flat the risen for that the top part had bin child so even with a cobalt cuter in me mill it was hard to cut so rather than damage me mill I just did it at work I hope non of the remainder of the castings have not bin child  time will tell 

I also have planned to buy one of the castings sets from Stuart. Those are not cheap but I also assume they will replace any unmachinable components. They have that kind of a reputation.

There is this British musician, Keith Appleton, who makes a lot of videos about steam engines and he has some which are aimed towards noobie machinists like me. Despite the marketing content his videos are actually very good. I also think that he has the correct understanding on what is important and what is not. In case You have not seen his videos those might give some hints and they are strangely entertaining. Especially the ones that contain painting ....

Bob, I hit a hard spot in a cast iron pipe cap that I wanted to use for my pipe engine project. It really messed up my 5/8" drill, and I didn't have any carbide drills. So I tried annealing it and it worked. It cut really easily after that.

Maybe if you have problems again with hard castings you could try it.

See here:,10261.msg117028.html#msg117028

lol well every thing is on hold me work bench is full of er tools I put a bid in for a wooden tool box witch is full of tooling did not think I wood win it till I got a txt saying I had won and it was just up the road lol as like a kid at xmas will post pics tomorrow

hi all. all I will say is the box is gnaw in bits will put up sum pics the workshop is full of wood dust once I had a good  at the box was in a bad state so I took it all a part the top of the box was broken so im on sanding it all dawn to get it so I can put it back together


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