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my way to billd a stuart 10 horizontal engine

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hi true to Stuarts reputation they have sent me out replacement castings I sent them a email saying thank you and I will send the bad parts back to them I got a reply saying there is no need to  send them the bad parts just do wat I want with them  :)  well im going to   mill out the ports on the bad cylinder and fit in a blank and re mashen the ports so I will have a proper cylinder for my upright  No 10     

hi all as fed up with working on the box so started to make the crank once over the crank was a casting gnaw they give you the bits to make one rather than do that I will be making the one for this engine out of a solid lump first job was to convert the droning in to mm I all redy had sum flat stock the right size so just cut it to length center drilled the two ends then off we go once the center was to size I glued in a m8 dowel redy for the next job right pics       

That's an interesting way to do it, Bob.  :thumbup:

No need for jacks.

I think I shod rename this bit as haw not to make a one pace crank a pack of chocolate hob nobs to the first one to spot the mistake right pics   

Oh dear, you cut the wrong piece out. It's a non-crankshaft  :)


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