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Thin sheetmetal folding, bending cutting.

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--- Quote from: PK on May 06, 2018, 06:29:41 PM ---I have a policy of never buying a tool with "mini", "multi", or "in one" in its name.

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As the former owner of an "in one", I'm adopting your policy.

I agree. Fully.

Those universal hobby-grade power tools and 3-in-one machneshop lathe/mill/drill contraptions are something I steer away. For some people they seem to work.

And many "miniature", "mini", "accurate" labels means that they are purely ornamental.

However, the type #1 machine that has a shear and press brake looks like it would do the work. For some reason it mostly available very small.

And I never used these combination machines, therefore I'm skeptical, but on paper they looks like they might just work. And they are popular. There must be something in them.

On one finnish forum I pretty much have been told that 305 mm 3-in-1 has ok roller, press brake is marginal and no one speaks about the shear. My intrest is on reverse order of these.


Can you not try one in a dealer show room with your own metal?


--- Quote from: awemawson on May 07, 2018, 11:16:51 AM ---Can you not try one in a dealer show room with your own metal?

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This is 3:rd world country when it comes showrooms.

I know one place that has JET-brand machines 60 Km away. They have no sheet metal machines. Plenty of dealers, usually there is one machine shaken out of the box, unadjusted and forbiden to try. Best story I heard was "import" anvil that potential buyer wanted to do bounce test with a ball bearing ball "you can't do that, because after that we can't sell it new anymore".

Two places are that much up north that visiting Germany would be more cost effective. I need to buy or skip something blind.


Do you not have some legislation like our 'distance selling regulations' ? It gives the 'sight unseen' purchaser many rights when it comes to rejecting something that fails to meet expectations.


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