The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

Rebuilding A Grotty Chicken Shed

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 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Absolutely NOT - not on my land thank you!

Nice shade of BLACK creosote thankyou

I took the opportunity of having an early visitor to help me lug out the 8x4 sheet of shuttering ply and cut it to size for the floor. So much easier with two of you!

Then a quick spray with creosote - except again it proved to be far from quick as the sprayer blocked AGAIN  :ddb:

This time I was determined to get to the bottom of the problem. Total dis-assembly of the tank, hose and fittings, a really thorough clean out and internal inspection with a torch, then a test using red diesel.

I thought I was being a bit anal using a cellulose paint spraying filter funnel to fill her up - no issues with the red diesel but just look at what was in the Creosote. No wonder it kept getting clogged, and simply avoided by filling through a filter, but it never occurred to me that the stuff would have so much in the way of contaminants.

This sprayer has given me issues over several years and now I know why - filter what you are spraying  :ddb:

I thought they'd banned real creosote  :scratch: Obviously not... but as I'll have to do all of the fences around my house this year, I'd rather use the real thing than some half-useless substitute...

Genuine Creosote is not available to the general public Ade, however it IS available to farmers for use where direct public contact is not likely. So preserving fence posts and chicken sheds but not for instance benches that people will sit on

Creosote Substitute, like many of these replacement products, is pretty useless other than as a water repellent and colouring agent.

Because of the ban on creosote I have used the waterbased fence treatment. Now that is really useless. It lasted about six months before the wood started going green. So since then I have used the substitute for creosote and have to say that it is much better in that it has lasted around two years without degradation. Nothing like the real thing but the powers that be think that I am not capable of doing things properly  :doh:


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