For several years I've had the idea in the back of my mind to try and build / evolve / develop a CNC controlled Tool and Cutter Grinder. Indeed I've kept my eye open for suitable scrapped kit to act as a basis, but never actually done anything about it.
Commercial machines control five or even six axis simultaneously, and 5 or 6 axis controllers are like hens teeth unless you are prepared to dip your toe in the EMC / Unix pot.
In an idle moment forced on me by the weather today I started doodling on paper, and it dawned on me that probably only two, or just maybe three axis need to move at the same time.
On the following doodle I can see that Wheel Elevation axis 'Y' and Wheel Approach Angle 'X' in most cases can be moved to a desired position for a particular operation, and then full control exercised over Tool Axis 'C' Tool Angle 'B' and Tool Traverse 'Z' reducing the needs of the CNC controller immensely. For instance a special 'M' code could be written to switch the three axis controller between group C,B,Z and group X,Y providing the mechanics and electronics maintained the axis in location after the switch over.
No doubt the programming would be 'interesting' and require many cups of coffee but the possibilities are endless. For instance, a sensor to scan the inserted tool, identify how many flutes, what helix angle etc to automate regrinding. Pipe dreams perhaps, but entirely possible I think.
. . . comments from you worthy gentlemen please . .