That lad! Remember using potato smasher size iron and scavenged componenets from tube radios for my "experiments".
I tried to buy thin tinplate, should be bendy, good looking, does not need painting or anything, conductive and easy to solder grounding wires (snippet-tabbet....on the edge...bend...solder...done). Even found source 500*800 mm nevew shiny straight plates. 0,3 mm thick. Bit pricy (30€ a piece), fine. But they only freigh, which is 40€ and the place is not that far, I could visit, but they have "no visitors" policy. They can stuff it.
But if find other source for thin tin plate, I'll buy it. Used to work a little with tin plate and I think it is pretty nice to work with basic hand tools (alhough miniature sheet metal bender and shear would be nice).
Copper is nice in priciple, but it sinks heat like there is no tomorrow, pretty resilient on drilling...bigger holes needs a punch and looks clapped when it gets old.