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Turcite from the far east
Give me your address - sending a sample to finland is minimal cost.
edit: I can send pieces of this stuff with the postal service for around £3 internationally
--- Quote from: PekkaNF on January 05, 2018, 06:13:06 AM ---Did you got any mechanical properites.
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No datasheet was included
--- Quote from: PekkaNF on January 05, 2018, 06:13:06 AM ---1: Do you have any instructions how to glue it? Can you test to glue a little piece of to steel with epoxy and report if it sticks and when you remove it where it delaminates?
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I will glue it and see how it comes apart, no glue instructions were included
--- Quote from: PekkaNF on January 05, 2018, 06:13:06 AM ---2: How hard does it appears?
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It feels quite hard, it is tough to cut with a razor sharp knife
--- Quote from: PekkaNF on January 05, 2018, 06:13:06 AM ---3: How much friction it appears to have under load? Does oil lubrication make it slide better?
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It seems 'quite' slippery from just rubbing it up and down on my worktop whilst pressing hard on it
--- Quote from: PekkaNF on January 05, 2018, 06:13:06 AM ---4: Cold flow? Can you cut a stamp size piece, measure linear dimensions and thickness, put it under a load for few days and measure again? Pure teflon creeps like there is no tomorrow, fillers increase friction, but make it more resistant to cold flow.
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I can possibly do this, I have a 250t hydraulic press that might be suitable :)
Testing - testing :zap: :beer: :headbang:
Got some of it. Cuts nicely.
Wonder which side is the glue side? The one that has sor of grid? Looks etched.
--- Quote from: PekkaNF on January 27, 2018, 02:11:03 PM ---Got some of it. Cuts nicely.
Wonder which side is the glue side? The one that has sor of grid? Looks etched.
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Time for a test! Which side is the glue side test!
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