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UK Scraping Class of 2017
This 'Child' Board / Forum Subsection is here to act as a focus point initially for pictures and information gleaned on the UK 2017 Richard King Hand Scraping Class, and then to act as a depository for any further information on Hand Scraping.
Please edit pictures to a format of 800 x 600 maximum to ensure we don't hog too much of Eric's data space
Cheers Andrew.
Being the organiser of the class I suppose I better go first :)
I had several items that I intended to work on but all the little things that needed organising meant that I didn't get time to do them all. Mostly I worked on my Hardinge HLV saddle which had a large deep score mark running along the underside.
So I set it up in the milling machine and skimmed the underside of the saddle. We allowed 28thou - the thickness of the turcite as measured plus 5 thou for the glue (24hr max strength araldite). Milled the most of it off with a face mill then used a fly cutter for the bit under the dovetail. Mixed up the glue then clamped the turcite under a triangle surface plate for a whole day to squeeze out the glue and allow the turcite to set with even pressure.
The result was very good and ready to be carefully hand-scraped for bearing.
A few pictures from the class:
A few more
I was very impressed with how well Matthew's home-made repeat-o-meter worked, I didn't know what to expect from it but it showed up the smallest dips and rises. Of course we didn't know if it was reading the plate or just moving about randomly, until we had the idea of putting it on Kev's brand new plate and the needle didn't move at all.
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