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I Needed Some Collet Racks

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Affraid that pretty soon Andrew has a single bed multiprocess machine that has plasma, laser, routter, 3D-printter, robodrill and inkjet.


Well it had better make a decent cup of tea, pour a nice Rum on Ice, and coffee to follow  :lol:


--- Quote from: PekkaNF on April 20, 2017, 02:38:04 PM ---Affraid that pretty soon Andrew has a single bed multiprocess machine that has plasma, laser, routter, 3D-printter, robodrill and inkjet.


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and a Biax on a robot arm in case any of those engravings need erasing!  :dremel:



--- Quote from: awemawson on April 20, 2017, 04:05:56 PM ---Well it had better make a decent cup of tea, pour a nice Rum on Ice, and coffee to follow  :lol:

--- End quote ---

More in line with out kitchen...We have three person family and just for hot beverage we in kitchen:
1) Esperesso machine and coffee grinder set for espresso beans (Rancilio Silvia + same brand grinder)
2) Single cup Coffeemaker and coffee grinder for filter coffee
3) Single shot hot water for tea and cocoa

Good coffee is crucial for though-process....sometimes tea too.

I was thinking that marking with those collets might be very beneficial. On ER-system you can pretty much see 1 mm difference and if not, second one is 99% correct one, but those to try end mill to three collets and then take canditates to closer examination might lead to mistakes. Unless the collets are clearly markked and you are not blind like a bat (I am).




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