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SPiN Racing:
Ohhh yes.

My old neighbor was from Upstate. His family owns some ginormous junk yard chain.. or junk car chain.. or something. I gather its the largest in the state.
He had ZERO NY attitude, accent or anything. For the longest time I thought he was BSing me about being from NY.

All the pictures I saw were very similar to the ones in your post.. GORGEOUS country. And from what he said, COLD.

I guess the lake effect stuff that blows on over really plays havok with things. As the firm I work for has a 2nd home office in Michigan, I was always watching the weather, and saw a lot of snow going East from there..

I would say Im jealous... but Im not sure of that...  :D

I sadly looking at the south side of our roof, and kicking myself for not re-doing the shingles on it a month or two ago before it got so unbearably hot. And its gonna get worse too LOL.

The only nice thing I like about Florida is that it doesn't have snow. When your on the tractor plowing a 1/10 mile long driveway in a 30mph wind with the snow blowing in your face you wish you were in a warmer climate. But when spring gets here you forget all about how cold it really was.  :D


Those of us down in Florida pray for winter to hurry up and get here. All of the one or two weeks of "cold" weather that we get!


--- Quote from: Bernd on May 10, 2009, 08:14:48 PM ---
Oh, we get all the cold air that the Canooks can send us.  :lol:  :lol:


--- End quote ---


Just doing our bit for Global Warming! Can't let you get too hot and bothered!  :wave:



--- Quote from: TFL45 on May 17, 2009, 12:12:17 PM ---

Just doing our bit for Global Warming! Can't let you get too hot and bothered!  :wave:


--- End quote ---

Ya, but why does it have to be in the winter? Why can't it be in the hottest part of the season?  :)



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