Asking for a little help on this one, an old HF Plastic Welder. It's the early type with just a wand, a hose and a pressure gauge that you are supposed to connect to a compressor, and a electrical cord to the wall. The wand receives both air and current and contains a ceramic element wound with resistance wire.
I've had it for at least ten years and carefully heeded the warnings to always turn on air first before connecting the cord, and always wait ten minutes after unplugging to turn off the air. But last time I used it, the compressor lost power, I didn't notice and the air ran out before I figured out what had happened. The welder stopped working.
I don't think spare parts are available -- the welder (of this type without a fan) hasn't been offered by HF in years. So I'm hoping for a MadModder style fix, if possible. Any help would be appreciated.
Here are some pics. They are respectively, overview, first side near end, second side near end, far end and cord end: