The Shop > Wood & Stuff

metal bender

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Looks a useful tool and nicely made. :clap: :clap:

While we're drifting off into cleaning paintbrushes I think the simplest way to preserve a brush to use again is put it a container of water.  If it's oil paint it stops it evaporating and the water can be removed with a good shake.  If it's water based it stops it drying and you just shake off the excess water and you're good to go.  The drawback with this method is that if you leave the brushes long enough the metal can go rusty and stain your paint - even though the bristles are still soft enough to use.  (DAMHIKT). :doh:


RussellT and Vtsteam:

I took my brush out of the freezer twice yesterday and it was still quite flexible and worked well.  I'm pretty sure it's important to wrap it closely in plastic so that the air doesn't get at it.  So it's been used about 5 or 6 times and I first used that brush on the 31 Sept 2015 - in the freezer about 6 days or so and still useable.

I hadn't heard of submerging them in water - the brushes I have take little time to rust so I'm not sure it would work for very long.  However if one was using the same oil based finish I wonder if submerging the bristles in vegetable oil would work.  I expect the fancy expensive olive oil may be better :D

I don't think vegetable oil would work as well.  The important thing with oil paints and water seems to be that they don't mix at all and so they separate with a shake.  I would have thought that vegetable oil might mix with the paint - and it's more expensive than water. :D



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