Congratulations Russell, the valve was the coolest thing I've seen in small steam engines in a long time -- that's pretty hard to top! And nicely executed and videod -- with the breath demonstration and also the reversing capability. Just all around impressive, A well deserved trophy for that!

And Dwayne, that is a very fine strictly pipe, bolt (and nail) engine, that I've learned a lot from. The large valve tube clearance volume still intrigues me, and I will have more to say about that in future, because I think it's important to performance and construction techniques for some kinds of engines.

Also the valve mechanism is really fun to watch and listen to. In fact I've gone so far as to put it through an audio analyzer, and so I can tell you that your engine was running in the video at 261 RPM, in case you're curious! Thank you for allowing us all to enjoy your build,..... and I'm still envious of your true bent pipe flywheel. I wish I could bend a circle like that in pipe.

Thanks also to readers too for encouraging these two, and I hope Madmodders will think up more group builds and contests for this new Mod-up section. It's your forum for your ideas in how to have fun with joint projects.