Thanks Andrew!
I was looking for your flail mod thread again, but couldn't find it.
I helped a farmer friend today mount a flail mower, and also fixed his fire wood processor (bar oiler needed work).
Nickle, thanks!
I'm replacing and securing most of the hydraulic hoses on the tractor. I've replaced about 10 so far. That's taking a little while -- the whole rat's nest was in really bad shape. I'm going to send for some of the longer ones, as having them made up locally is an extravagant gesture. They're about a third the price from online outfits.
After that, I'll need to:
Do the final valve adjustment
Mount the gas tank and connect it.
Secure the wiring
Get the gauges connected properly, and secured in the dash
Change the oil filter
Drain and refill and bleed the hydraulic system.
Secure the radiator (it's loose)
Adjust the clutch free pedal
Mount the sheet metal panels (there seems to be missing frame work forward to attach them to -- probably have to make something).
Finish painting
Then I can start digging!