there will be just the same as your steam launch engines just remember make a pair no two the same
very important is the rear face is square to the bore and the bore is parallel to bolting face
is it a stevensons loco link gear or a walsharches ?
if its stevensons gear loco link is suspended different to launch link
sorry about the bad spelling but I am dyslexic
IMHO the boiler is better done later when things have progressed its £ 600 quid just for the materials at todays prices plus another £ 100 for silver solder and fittings
my last loco boiler cost me £2500 six years ago , but due to mobility problems I have reluctantly sold passed on all my locos sad at the time but it ok now
if you have the drawings they may be still labeled Kenions watch out and check all the measurements there will be a few mistakes , for Doris He/she had the stays going thought the firebox
one more thing look up the proper wheel profile for 3 1/2 inch as LBSC did not use the correct tread profile
have fun you know where we are