Author Topic: Heilan Lassie Steam locomotive  (Read 13493 times)

Offline steamup

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Heilan Lassie Steam locomotive
« on: April 15, 2014, 06:46:57 AM »
 I am new to this game by the standards of the guys on this site so I am looking for some advice.
I enjoy making steam launches which have provided me with the opportunity to develop a new passion for steam.
I purchased a set of castings for this locomotive some time ago with a vague intention of building some time in the future.
That time has arrived I think.
I have slide valve cylinder castings and piston cylinder castings for this loco. Which way do I go?

Offline Joe d

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Re: Heilan Lassie Steam locomotive
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2014, 07:13:54 AM »
Hi Mark

I will be watching with pleasure once you get going, really like locomotives.

Others may have different ideas, but my advice would be to get the boiler done first (whether you are building it
yourself, or jobbing it out) as the finished dimension of this controls  the dimensions of many many other bits.

Either way, good luck, and keep the photos coming.

Cheers, Joe


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Re: Heilan Lassie Steam locomotive
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2014, 07:15:25 AM »

think about two to five years

you normally start with the tender , reason when you have the loco finished you will tend to rush the tender

they both are built stating with the frames , buffer beams ect then the wheels axle boxes and on

then you make the motion the quartering will be a challenge if you have not done it before ( go for Loctite for the wheels ) I do not know what size lathe you have but you will have to make up a jig to do it , right hand leads

a word of caution Curly ( LBSC ) cut a lot of corners with his methods particularly on the boiler front the design is not up to modern code Please liaze with your boiler inspector as to how to proceed ( he did not fit bushes just tapped the shell and screwed the fitting in )

in all its a fine loco to state again you start at the bottom and work up


Offline steamup

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Re: Heilan Lassie Steam locomotive
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2014, 11:28:17 AM »
Thanks for the advice thus far. I have started with the tender thought it might be a useful learning ground.
Purchasing the boiler is out of the question at the moment so I will have to start on the frames and look to the future for the boiler.
How about the cylinders any ideas?


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Re: Heilan Lassie Steam locomotive
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2014, 11:52:10 AM »
there will be just the same as your steam launch engines just remember make a pair no two the same

very important is the rear face is square to the bore and the bore is parallel to bolting face

is it a stevensons loco link gear or a walsharches ?

if its stevensons gear loco link is suspended different to launch link

sorry about the bad spelling but I am dyslexic

IMHO the boiler is better done later when things have progressed its £ 600 quid just for the materials at todays prices plus another £ 100 for silver solder and fittings

my last loco boiler cost me £2500 six years ago , but due to mobility problems I have reluctantly sold passed on all my locos sad at the time but it ok now

if you have the drawings they may be still labeled Kenions watch out and check all the measurements there will be a few mistakes , for  Doris He/she had the stays going thought the firebox  :doh:

one more thing look up the proper wheel profile for 3 1/2 inch as LBSC did not use the correct tread profile

have fun you know where we are
