Author Topic: About what I stated  (Read 4452 times)

Offline Bogstandard

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About what I stated
« on: June 07, 2011, 03:10:24 AM »
I don't think I need to retract anything here, purely because I stated what I feel is correct, no flaming at all.

A major point I would like to raise, is the way my words were TOTALLY misconstrued and twisted to make it look as though I was the bad guy.

There is a great difference between

I would suggest that you don't ever post anything on here ever again about a lathe you own either breaking or burning out

and this, my original words

I would suggest that you don't ever post anything on here ever again about a lathe you own either breaking or burning out, as you will get no sympathy from this quarter, in fact, I will sit back and laugh at your machines' demise.

There is just too much of this going on, people doing and showing things without doing research into the final conclusion. If you have to do that sort of thing, then complete the whole process first, test it, and only then post the results. There is a great difference between many people who KNOW what they are doing, and know what the final outcome will be, and those that are just trying things out to see if it will work.

The reason I raise this point is that if there is someone who is totally new to this sort of thing, will maybe follow the written word, and blindly follow along doing what is said. If you don't know the final result yourself, you are most probably leading someone down the same path of disaster that maybe you will end up in.

While I am here, before I take a much needed rest from forum following (my personal problems are starting to affect my posts), I would just like to raise a point that Rob showed. This is an extract from that reminder about rules and regs.

We are going to take our cues from the famous HMEM model engine site

Now this in no way is a poke at the original poster about his problem, he most probably didn't know any better, but the experienced people on here should have known better in that they shouldn't have replied at all to the post. I will follow on with the details in a bit.

Now relating to the quote above. If you search back on the archives of HMEM you will come across a discussion about helping people out with their electrical problems on an open forum, and it was decided that it should NOT be done, purely because of the safety issues involved.

This is the details bit.

In my personal view, and I have already mentioned this problem to Eric, if someone has to ask how to wire something up, then they are not qualified to do that wiring themselves, and should be getting someone in to do it for them.

Mains electricity is just too dangerous to play about with, and to tell people how to do it on an open forum is asking for trouble. There only needs to be one mishap with either instructions or the unqualified person playing about in where they shouldn't, and you could be looking at someone spending the rest of time in a box, whether as ashes or wormbait.

I have asked such questions myself in the past, to get clarification for my workings out, and really I shouldn't have done.

But maybe this is now the time to get some rules and regs in place BEFORE someone has an accident. Let people play about with electricity behind closed doors if they want to, that is the risk they take, but to encourage someone to do it isn't the way to go. There is an anonymous search feature on the web that can be asked which will most probably lead them to the answers they require, without involving Q & A's on open forums.

This could also be applied to anywhere where giving out information about dangerous practices is involved. It should really be discouraged, purely because you are giving them the go ahead to follow an idea where they shouldn't really be going. If they want to do it, then on their heads be it, not on the forum members conscience, when things go wrong.

You would have to make up your own mind about what is classed a dangerous practice, you would have to look at the context of the question, and decide whether that person would have sufficient experience and common sense to follow down a dangerous route or not. Any doubts, then leave it well alone.

We, the more experienced, really do have a duty to tell someone of less experience that the path that they have chosen is the wrong one, and that it shouldn't be discussed on an open forum, as it may lead others to try things out that they are just not experienced enough to do.

See you in a while


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Re: About what I stated
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 04:08:19 AM »

I must concur as to the electrical advice ,in the past I have asked people to state where on the big ball they are , it matters

I have tried to point people in the correct way , maybe with out a detailed do this do that , but from now I will refrain , except if I see a dangerous installation depicted


a forum I used to use had a very draconian view of requests for medical advice ( it was deleted and a standard quote replace it " go to the doctor "

Maybe we should have the same for potentially dangerous post such as you mentioned how do i wire up this ( mains powered thing only ) 220vac is bad enough  but 415 vac is lethal 

Offline spuddevans

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Re: About what I stated
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2011, 06:41:58 AM »
Hi John, I have PM'd you but I also wanted to post up here to say that it certaintly wasnt my intention to misrepresent you or make you out to be the bad guy.

The reason I raise this point is that if there is someone who is totally new to this sort of thing, will maybe follow the written word, and blindly follow along doing what is said. If you don't know the final result yourself, you are most probably leading someone down the same path of disaster that maybe you will end up in.

This could also be applied to anywhere where giving out information about dangerous practices is involved. It should really be discouraged, purely because you are giving them the go ahead to follow an idea where they shouldn't really be going. If they want to do it, then on their heads be it, not on the forum members conscience, when things go wrong.

You would have to make up your own mind about what is classed a dangerous practice, you would have to look at the context of the question, and decide whether that person would have sufficient experience and common sense to follow down a dangerous route or not. Any doubts, then leave it well alone.

We, the more experienced, really do have a duty to tell someone of less experience that the path that they have chosen is the wrong one, and that it shouldn't be discussed on an open forum, as it may lead others to try things out that they are just not experienced enough to do.

I really think that the above quotes are well worth paying close attention to. We do need to remember that this is a public forum, ie you dont have to be a member to read the posts, so therefore no-one can know the level of experience of those who are reading.  So isnt it the course of wisdom to provide an appropriate warning of any potentially dangerous activity so that an inexperienced person would be informed prior to following?

There is just too much of this going on, people doing and showing things without doing research into the final conclusion. If you have to do that sort of thing, then complete the whole process first, test it, and only then post the results. There is a great difference between many people who KNOW what they are doing, and know what the final outcome will be, and those that are just trying things out to see if it will work.

I would add to that comment, when posting about some experimental or non-standard procedure, it would also be helpful to post up the potential pit-falls and risks that you overcame and how you (safely) overcame them. This would then help others who might want to do the same procedure to be aware of the risks.

Measure with a micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with an axe  -  MI0TME

Offline sorveltaja

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Re: About what I stated
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2011, 08:29:31 AM »
What comes to safety, maybe a disclaimer, that consist warnings about electricity, tools, lasers, and weapons? Which new users have to read, before they can post?

Even repairing/modding devices, that use mains voltage is plain illegal, unless you are qualified professional. At least here in Finland.

Lasers can also be very harmful to user, and others too. Especially infra-red ones that can be extracted from cd/dvd burners. Although they have just enough power to burn paper, or pop a balloon, they also burn eye in less than second, because human's eye pupil doesn't react to infra-red.

But anyways, considering Bogs' message, it is definitely true, that some people can't read 'between the lines', and they take everything that they read literally. So they get hurt, and start an unnecessary fight. Their lost it is.

Everyone isn't ready for humble, and open-minded attitude, that this forum is based for. Ask me how I know.

Offline krv3000

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Re: About what I stated
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2011, 09:11:00 AM »
HI all just my 10p worth I was involved with motbikes fore meney yers and i all wase got the {Q} i want to make it go faster my simpel anser is get a biger bike by the time you pay for all the mods and upgrades for the old one you cud av goten a biger one that bin sed not all of us have the room to fit ther lathe of ther dreems in and it can take sum considrebel time to save up the cash to by one with you may have the latest cnc masheen that can do all the things you want but its only as good as the program runing it  at work we needed a lathe for sum ruff work the bos went out and got a lathe from mashenmart we laft at it but we soon had to eat humbel piy as it did wat it sed on the tin on my lathe ther is a plastic ger the resen for that is if the lathe jams and the cluch fales the teeth on the plastic ger will be riped off and save a lot of damige to other partes   even thow im a timed served i baw dawn to the nolige that
pepel have oferd  hellp to in this forum  and with out this forum and meny others on the same subject we wood all be in the darke   ps for give speling     bob