Over the last couple of weeks I have been putting my new ISP and email accounts thru their paces, and I decided to reconnect my Skype connection which had been turned off for the last couple of months.
Within half an hour of being online I got my first call from a person in the UK, I have never talked or seen him before, but had communicated thru an associated website to this one, of which I am no longer a member. Whilst on that call, another one chirped in, from our one and only Cedge. Unable to make the setup for a conference call, I had to tell him to call back later.
Eventually a few minutes later we were talking like good friends, only ever having communicated by email or PM.
Steve could see my ugly mush, but unfortunately, because he doesn't have a webcam, I was just talking to a voice. He even got introduced to the now famous Bandit. It makes the experience a whole lot more personal.
The world has shrunk since the introduction of little internet devices and programs such as this, and to me has opened up a whole new world of friends and aquaintances, who only a few years ago could only be communicated with by very expensive telephone calls or snail mail and more recently emails and PM's.
The other advantage is that by using Skypeout and making a small payment into Skype credit, you can contact almost anywhere in the world to a landline telephone, using your computer, for only a couple of pennies a minute. I regularly called my friend in Moscow for an hour at a time, until he eventually got Skype, now it costs us nothing, other than a bit of bandwidth useage allowance.
If anyone wants to connect using this method, my skype name is bandit175. But please remember the time differences between continents, but if when you try to connect, it should tell you if I am on line, or just want to be left alone.
Anyone else want to join in the fun, just append your skype name to this topic.
If anyone wants to do it, but thinks they can't, ask and all your questions will hopefully be answered. It is very cheap to set up, in the UK, about £10 - £15 will get you the bits to start talking and sending live video.