Rather than post in Powder Keg's excellent sidecar thread, as it's top quality and doesn't need side-tracking

I thought I'd start another .............. this is a bit nostalgic really and it's all PK's fault for reminding me about it

Wen I were now't bura bairn ............... or for those on the other side of the pond

............ when I was a (very) young lad ..............
This will be late Fifties btw, my Dad and two of his mates built a sidecar to go on mi' Dad's Norton, the bike IIRC looked something like this one ............

as for the sidecar, I've trawled the web and can't find anything exact ........... but I think it was something like this one ..........

though I think there was only one door and the front seat tipped forward so I could get in the back ............ "Mum" ............. had the front seat ...........

Blimey, I was only about 6 or 7 .......... no wonder I have a hankering to fix and build things