Thanks for your comments Chaps!

It was posted on Ebay, Sunday Night. So, I posted the link on here.....
Next morning, the BIN was still there! Ok, said I, I'll have it!
It arrived, from Morecambe in 25hrs.
It's been somewhere a little damp. Very mildly furry. No problem, at all......
What you see is what there is. Seems very well made, by Grandfather, who passed on some time ago.
I can see someone keeping a memento which turns round an round, an bobs up an down. But, throwing away the "bits of junk"......

I will probably contact Myers Engine Works, for the missing bits. Just thankfull, all the large parts which I can't do are done.
Lots to learn, yet!

Had a quick lesson in flywheel inertia...... Got me finger between the rocking beam, and the top of the water jacket!

David D