Author Topic: MEW mags.  (Read 2375 times)

Offline John Stevenson

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MEW mags.
« on: May 19, 2010, 02:32:48 PM »
I am a member of the forum over on the Model Engineers site, currently
known as My Hobby Store or better known as My Knob Is Sore

For subscribers to ME and MEW you get access to some of the past
issues, in the case of MEW it used to be from 122 to the current 164.
For a yearly fee of £29 you could also access from 1 to 121 using an
online magazine reader which also gave the option of printing pages
out of the mag and if needed the whole mag.

Recently they have changed the reader with no warning to a flash based
reader that is lower quality than the previous one and only lets you
print 1 page.

Of course in typical Nexus, MAP, Magicalia, MHS organisation [ or lack
off ] this has gone down like a lead balloon and the moderator is
working overtime deleting posts :-)

My question?

Has anyone access to the saved versions of the mag as pdf's before the
new reader.

I have a few but not the whole set, these incidentally are for my own
use and study on my computer, I have the full set of paper editions
but late at night a quick referral to a subject doesn't mean a trip
out to the workshop for a paper copy.

My email addy is
john [at]  stevenson

John S.
John Stevenson