This is just a reminder that this is a message board. Not the most effective means of conversation as you can't see the person typing. Before anyone goes and takes things wrong that someone wrote, stop and think... if he was standing in front of you telling you the same thing smiling and joking would you take it the same way? Probably not.
Just about anything anyone writes can be taken the wrong way if you put a negative spin on it while reading it. So, when you read a post or comment, imagine the person talking to you normally. Smiling
This is about having fun, about making and modifying things. This about making friends, asking and answering questions.
Also bear in mind, if you ask for comments or critiques... you may not like what you hear. But thats also what this board is about... without constructive criticism, someone may not finish a project or worse yet, get hurt.
While this may be a 'public' board... it is privately owned. So think of it as a club that meets in someones garage. Mine. Act respectful, have fun, don't flame and have thick skin sometimes.
Comments welcome.