So - morning after the night before - clean up time

Oh boy the place STINKS of fire. So a quick survey of the damage tells me:
A/ The Dolly has lost three out of four castor and it's surface - i have spare of the castors & wood
B/ The Fire Extinguisher still works and has cleaned up well but will be relegated to being a source of CO2 for Sodium Silicate setting
C/ The Steel fire door has cleaned up remarkably well apart from burnt paint where the seat of the fire was.
D/ The poor old Kiln is hopping on three out of four castors, one having been lost to fire but it's control panel cleaned up OK
E/ The floor drain duct must have been the plastic variety with ribs set in the concrete, as there is only the vestigial traces of the ribs left - I will fill the channel with concrete as it was redundant anyway dating from before the foundry building was erected
It could have been so much worse - I need to plan how to replace the small area of feather board cladding that dates from when it was the outside of the building - it's only five foot by six foot - so either steel sheets that I may already have - or fibre cement board to replace it.
Then I need to have a good think about smoke alarms with a remote siren that can reach the house - there are some that WiFi to your phone but it's adds another level of complexity to go wrong.
. . . I stink of fire and need a shower