For a little while I've been aware that there was a feed problem with my Colchester Master 2500. It would auto feed, but the feed was weak and not strong enough to trip the 'knock off' when feeding to a stop.
Fairly certain that the shear pin had sheared, but that there was still enough friction to actually feed the carriage. Been putting the job off for a while as other things were prioritised.
Well today, enthused by at last having a clear 'Covid' test I thought time to knuckle down and fix it, it's very simple - a 3 mm pin between two flanges on the gear box input shaft. Remove the end cover, swing the gear banjo out of the way, remove the input gear, and replace the pin that mounts on its splined hub.
. . .hang on a moment . . . there's a perfectly serviceable shear pin in the hole - grasp the hub, turn it holding the feed shaft - sure enough a little torque but easily stopped from turning . . what's going on.
A quick check of the feed set up - OK which PRATT has knocked the eight way gear selector lever into a false neutral. Well fairly obviously it had to be me
It's 'sort of' at leg level so quite easily done but I've never done it before in 21 years of owning the lathe.
. . . what a Pratt !