Last year I went to a market and a lady had a box of old quality files (all thrown in together
) 50c each and a heap of old quality grease guns $1 each. I bought 2 grease guns and a few files and she said she just wanted to get rid of them all.
When I returned the next month she still had them all, so I offered $3 for the box of files which she gladly took.
It turned out her father died and she was just wanting to get rid of them as she had sold all the other gear.
Just in timber handles I got my money worth and some of the files are like new and in a range of sizes shapes, etc.
From memory they are mostly made in England and Australia. There was the odd few that someone had stirred paint with.
I don't mind filing sometimes, when I made my lathe extended D1-4 key to stop hitting my knuckles on the Chinese head stock, I turned it down to shape in the lathe and then filed the squares while in the chuck. Nothing better than file fitted as it turned out spot on and looks as good as if it was milled. It would have taken a lot longer to setup the mill to do the 1 of job anyway.
My grandfather taught me at a young age how to file, but back then it was a chore because thats all I had, LOL.
Now it's just one of the tools I couldn't do without.