Spent the morning testing a new version of Puppy Linux (Tahrpup 6.0 CE) and it's really nce so far. Super fast and quite clean with better user interfaces for just about everything. It is built out of Ubuntu Tahr binaries, and loads Ubuntu repositories and software. But about one tenth the size, a completely visible system with dynamite utilities and tools, and a much faster OS.
Anyway, the reason I bring it up here is, I decided to see if I could compile Grbl Controller to run on this cool version of Puppy, and after a few false starts, and rounding up enough dependencies from the Ubuntu repositories andcreating a font link to temporarily fool the program installer, I was able to build a running app. So now I have a Grbl controller app running on my laptop (or any other computer that can run this version of Puppy Linux).
What that means is, I don't actually need the Raspbery Pi -- I can just run CNC from the laptop.
Since I also do all my design work on this laptop, that makes things pretty simple:. Just create the G-code file from Sketch-up/Sketch-U-Cam, or CamBam, or whatever, then plug in a USB cable to the Arduino, and start cutting.
I used the Pi before because I didn't have a Grbl controller program for my normal Linux OS, but now I do.
Another interesting possibility for people running other OS's is, Puppy Linux will run under or alongside your OS without disturbing it. It's so small (less than 200 megabytes) and self contained that it can run from a folder on another OS, or from a thumb drive, or from a CD. So you could just load it up to do CNC cutting, if desired.
Obviously, Grbl Contrller isn't going to compete with something like Mach 5 on Windows. But for a simple system, and to get a job done, you can actually get away with two $7 boards, and a free OS and program -- all you need are steppers, their drivers and a power supply.
Stepper drivers for decent sized motors capable of driving a full sized mill are $15 to $20 per axis these days through Ebay. And a set of three 425 in oz steppers cost me $125 recently.