Author Topic: Philip Duclos "Victorian" IC engine project  (Read 108021 times)

Offline madjackghengis

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Re: Philip Duclos "Victorian" IC engine project
« Reply #200 on: April 30, 2010, 11:07:45 AM »
I took on a project I called the Water Pressure Engine, back year before last. I, like you felt a bit less than in control of the machines. Add to that the fact that the project had no drawings and was to be built from inside my head, you can imagine I was feeling like I was in over my head.

Bogstandard reminded me that all I needed to do was make one part. When it was right, make another. Once I stopped trying to build the whole engine and began making that open part, things got much easier. It let me relax and something amazing began to happen. I passed some unmarked point in my journey where I began to feel like I was in control of the machines and could make them do what I wanted, with a little thought before taking action. As I worked, that feeling became stronger as my confidence grew.

The point of all that is to say, this. Somewhere along the line, you'll crest a point where it all begins to click and make sense. It's an almost Zen like feeling and you'll know it when you experience it. From there, not much will stop you from achieving whatever you want o do.  My own moment came when I managed to make a particularly difficult cut to the rocker saddle of the water engine. It had to be spot on or the engine would be a failure. I took time to "mentally machine" the piece several times (including while sound asleep) and then I carefully attacked the metal.  The piece turned out perfectly and my learning curve suddenly passed an important "peak".

It'll come. Just keep at it until it also clicks with you. I build to please my eye, not to set any standards for others. Find your own "eye pleasing" level and work to meet it. The additional bling I bring to my projects is there to satisfy an itch I got from seeing German craftsmen turning out incredible jewels..... after years of apprenticeships. I set that level of work as my own personal goal.... one that I might never achieve, but you can bet I'll be trying....(grin)

Cedge, while my comment is on a different engine, I am currently going through the exact same process regarding the crank shaft for the radial engine build.  It is extremely sensitive, I've made two or three of each part of the eight or nine part crank, and I am still at a point where it is not right yet.  I finished putting the latest set of pieces together last night, knowing they are not aligned, and won't be, but did so anyway, in order to have the crank shaft in front of me to mentally machine it so I can come up with a suitable method which will give me the accuracy it absolutely demands and has yet to yield.  I am getting perilously close to trying out that "surface grinding idea" of Lautard's if I don't find joy soon, but you are entirely right, when the moment is right, and everything comes together, it is very "Zen-like" and calm prevails.  mad jack