Author Topic: Netuské: maybe of interest for ivory workers,or just for eye candy  (Read 4572 times)

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Mircea Veleanu
Sichiffer Book
Copyright © 2008 USA Uk
Hard cover
ISBN 978-0-7643-2847-3

This is an Art book, pure and simple. Little mention is made of the actual methods of their makers.  Other than to give a very slight insight into their making.

If Netsuké are an interest or ivory work is.  Then this will be a delight, as it is filled with almost 1,000 very well done color photo’s of  close ups and details of the ones in the authors collection.

For those that don’t know what a Netsuké is or used for.  It is a carved toggle used to fasten a small container to a kimono sash.  They can be made from  Ivory, wood, porcelain and more.

The book is laid out in, short sections of an Introduction containing.

Forms of Netsuké
Composition of Netsuké
Japan’s Personal Nomenclature
And a short History of Netsuké Carvings

There are 33 chapters, that are divided by subject matter of the Netsuké.  From  Historical Legends, and the Religions practiced.  Assorted folklore subjects, Animal, real and mythical, Plants, Trades and Professions.

Humorous, Trick, Seal type, Early, Macabre, Oversized, Unusual, and Diverse subjects, To the Erotic, plus everything in between.

The last chapter is the Care of Netsuké.  How to spot Fakes and Reproductions.

Since the prices of real Netsuké are beyond mine and the average persons wallet.  This book is a delight for the eyes of the width and  depth of his collection of over 40 years.

"The internet just a figment, of my imagination!' 
 There are only 3 things I can't do!"
Raise the Dead!
        Walk on water!
                 Fix a broken heart!
and I'm working on the first two!