This is, if going by the access over the last few days, the only time I can log onto the site for today.
The fault lies with my ISP, and they seem to be running around with a finger up their a*** and brain in neutral, so I gave them a little gee up and pep talk message last night. I doubt if that will help, but at least it gets the frustration of incompetance on their part out of my system.
I am very reluctant to go thru the sofware rebuild cycle again as I now have the machine running very well indeed, and besides the fact, all the scan software is pointing to an ISP fault rather than my end.
But as this is my only chance of posting today, as Stew will testify (he called around last night) the workshop is very close to being totally finished, just a final air connection and a good clean up and tooling/consumables move around required.