
The Breakroom => The Water Cooler => Topic started by: Yettiatcpg on February 18, 2012, 02:17:07 PM

Title: shoulder surgery sucks!
Post by: Yettiatcpg on February 18, 2012, 02:17:07 PM
well had to get my left shoulder repaired. I hate pain managment  :borg:
Title: Re: shoulder surgery sucks!
Post by: andyf on February 18, 2012, 07:07:16 PM
Yetti, all I can say is I hope the treatment works. Shoulders are a bit complicated, but can be fixed; SWMBO smashed hers up so badly that she had to have an artificial one fitted, but was restored to very nearly full movement after a few months.

Get well soon!


Title: Re: shoulder surgery sucks!
Post by: Yettiatcpg on February 18, 2012, 07:46:35 PM
the ortho dept. here in Chelsea hospital is going to name wing after me if I keep this up.
the guy who repaired my right side did the left one yesterday. he does good work. two of his partners have worked on me to, plus another guy who's in the professional building. I'm held together with staples and super glue.
Title: Re: shoulder surgery sucks!
Post by: Brass_Machine on February 19, 2012, 01:27:51 AM
...I'm held together with staples and super glue.

I like that! Can I borrow it when I describe my self? I have a small fortune in Ti hardware in my body. Had a few things removed as well... I usually tell people it was to increase my aerodynamics for when I ride my motorcycle.

Sucks about the shoulder work. Complicated joint. Take it easy on it (as you know!!). It will get better...
Title: Re: shoulder surgery sucks!
Post by: Xldevil on February 19, 2012, 07:20:54 AM
You are not allone.I've had a shoulder surgery myself,three weeks ago.
After more than 30years in weightlifting and bodybuilding,my left shoulder gave up.
Now I can see the hard earned muscles of my upper body shrink,but this way I've much time to improve my legs,which btw.have never been a weak point.
But the time will come that I can work my upper body again and that I can ride my motorcycle as well.Momentary I'm not even allowed to drive a car.
To be honest,I tried yesterday but it hurts too much.You know,my car has no power steering.
Okay,walking is healthy,isn't it?
Being a one armed bandit,it's not even fun to be in my workshop.
Okay,this way I've got time to improve my CAD skills,which I never did.It's so boring to me.

What I'm trying to say,You have to look forward and make the best out of this situation.
You know,it's not an incurable disease that You have to face.

Working myself at an intensive care unit,I can say:it's only a shoulder.

Title: Re: shoulder surgery sucks!
Post by: Yettiatcpg on February 19, 2012, 08:17:31 AM
its sad see so many people having to get repairs, but at least in this day and age we can be repaired. think how bad it was even 50 years ago? it would have sucked big time.
my current list is
1 knee surgery (botched) in `04(3months off)
right shoulder rotator cuff `07(3 months off)
broken ankle `07(3 more months off)
torn planter tendons 6 weeks in wheel chair `08/09(5 1/2 months off work)
total knee replacement 6-20-11(3 months off)
fell on my shoulder (on my day off yet)Dec 16th 2011. repaired 2-17-12
oh yeah, (3 more months off) :bang:

on a side note my strength has/had been coming back. I used to be fairly strong back in the day as a truck mechanic. I have been going to the gym with my sons since I fell. with the total knee replacement I can still squat 450lbs and a couple weeks back I did 905lbs on the leg press. Its only 2 1/2 times my weight , if I was lighter it would be like lifting more.
Title: Re: shoulder surgery sucks!
Post by: Andrew_D on February 21, 2012, 11:15:10 PM
I feel for you...My left shoulder was hurt in a vehicle accident in 2005. After a couple rounds of physio, they operated in 2007....still bugs me today. Worse in fact than it was pre-2007. I'm being referred to a specialist again!

Title: Re: shoulder surgery sucks!
Post by: Yettiatcpg on February 24, 2012, 04:47:05 PM
If it helps to know how to shop for a surgeon I went with who can and does do repairs of other peoples work. the guy who did my knee was recommended ages ago, however since that time he had taken in doing other doctors messes. he has 95% success rate on redone knees and 98% on new. I have had great success with my knee.
the shoulder guy who did my right shoulder looked at it and could tell right off the orthroscopic tools were to small. he forewarned me that he thought that. sure enough I woke up to a 3" scar.
come to find out this doctor is a specialist for orthroscopic surgery and does classes for advanced certs in it.