
Gallery, Projects and General => How do I?? => Topic started by: PTsideshow on December 20, 2011, 03:09:23 PM

Title: Carbide inserts for wood/epoxy/stone dust/Coran turning
Post by: PTsideshow on December 20, 2011, 03:09:23 PM
I'm looking for any suggestions for inserts to put on home shop made tooling handles for turning wood and other materials that dull the regular turning tools. What I know about the inserts is they are sharp at the edge, negative rake, fine grain material high polished.
Now It has been suggested that round style ones for aluminum will meet the polished,fine grain sharp at the edge.
What numbers/letters are used for aluminum? I would rather not spend the next week looking through 1,000's of inserts listed in the nomenclature listings.
I have no Idea what any of the letters numbers mean. Since I don't have a need to use the inserts beyond the one set up for the Sherline lathe I have, I have the Plasatool holders and inserts, for the occasional turning the work fine.

I have also been told that I could take a diamond file and dress the edge of the insert for a better finish.

The companies that sell the tool holders and inserts sell them at a high price for use by occasional wood turner.

The fancy woods in the handles and the alloy holders material seems like so much hype. Not to mention any where from $15.00 and up for the inserts.
Title: Re: Carbide inserts for wood/epoxy/stone dust/Coran turning
Post by: DaveH on December 20, 2011, 03:32:34 PM

If you have a Dremel (or simular) with  a diamond wheel that will also sharpen them.

Positive rake inserts are available.

Title: Re: Carbide inserts for wood/epoxy/stone dust/Coran turning
Post by: sparky961 on December 20, 2011, 04:15:15 PM
Just to address the issue of sharpening, a silicon carbide (typically green) grinding wheel works great on carbide.  I've modified quite a few to suit my needs.

Title: Re: Carbide inserts for wood/epoxy/stone dust/Coran turning
Post by: PTsideshow on December 22, 2011, 05:53:59 AM
Thanks, will have to collect some and play with the idea after the holidays!  :dremel: