
The Breakroom => The Water Cooler => Topic started by: Bernd on December 06, 2011, 08:35:00 AM

Title: New use for old computers
Post by: Bernd on December 06, 2011, 08:35:00 AM
Got this one off of a mailing list. I like the song too.

For those who aren't as ancient as me.  :lol: The song is House fo the Rising Sun. Forgot who played it though. (


NOTE: got to find out why "youtube" botton dosen't work for me.

Note 2: Still couldn't get it work. Copied Erics code and pasted here. Works fine.  :scratch:
Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: Chuck in E. TN on December 06, 2011, 08:48:50 AM
"House of the Rising Sun", by the Animals. Not sure of the version on the video. Google is your friend...

Chuck in E. TN
Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: spuddevans on December 06, 2011, 09:03:44 AM
NOTE: got to find out why "youtube" botton dosen't work for me.

I really dont know, I tried to make it work, but couldn't, and to top it all off, my connection to the site is really slow for some reason at the moment.

Really cool video though.

Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: Stilldrillin on December 06, 2011, 10:38:34 AM
Love it!  :clap: :clap:

Really love the original too......  :thumbup:

Thanks Bernd!  :beer:

David D
Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: Lew_Merrick_PE on December 06, 2011, 11:55:01 AM

The House of the Rising Sun was one of the songs collected by John Jacob Niles for the Smithsonian Institute during his study of folk music in the 1920's and 1930's.  I believe that the version he recorded was played by Leadbelly.  It became Dave vanRonk's signature tune during the 1950's folk music revival when Robert Zimmerman (not yet Bob Dylan) used it to get his foot in the door at Gerties' Folk City (then the premier showcase for folk music in the Washington Circle area of New York City).  Eric Burdon and the Animals recorded it several years later.

(My father was assigned to a parish in western Massachusetts in the late-1950's.  When my eldest sister would get stuck babysitting me on weekends, she would take me along to the folk clubs of Boston and New York City.  I remember seeing the (pre-Bob Dylan) Bobby Zimmerman being given the bum's rush when he was booed off the stage at Gerties...)
Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: Bernd on December 06, 2011, 02:12:18 PM
My pleasure gentlmen.

Ah yes the Animals. Correct you are.

But Lew's got some interesting background on the song I never knew. Thanks for chiming in Lew.

Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: dsquire on December 06, 2011, 02:22:24 PM

Thanks for that link. Definitely a different way to use resources.  :D :D

Cheers  :beer:

Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: Brass_Machine on December 06, 2011, 04:28:04 PM

Hmmm. embedding works for me  :smart:
Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: Bernd on December 07, 2011, 09:29:53 AM
The SMF 2.0.1 Gremlins are really having a field day with me.

I took your code and copied it into my OP and it works. I'm starting to think this new SMF 2.0.1 software is buggy.

There's been some other strange stuff going on while reading posts. I'd tell you about it but you've got enough to try and get other stuff straightened out, so don't worry about it.

Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: Brass_Machine on December 07, 2011, 10:57:29 AM
Nah Bernd... it was the link you used...

This was the one you used:
Code: [Select]
This was the one I used
Code: [Select]
Do you see the difference? If the link says "embed" it won't work. You have go to youtube and get the actual link. The one with "watch" in it.  :med:

Its all good

Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: Bernd on December 08, 2011, 09:09:14 AM
Thanks Eric.

Now I'll know what and what not use. Again Operator Error.  :wack:  :)


Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: Brass_Machine on December 08, 2011, 10:27:31 AM
No big deal Bernd. I had to do a lot of digging to figure it out.  :med: so it got me too!
Title: Re: New use for old computers
Post by: Troutsqueezer on December 09, 2011, 02:42:48 PM
The old oscilloscope brought back memories for me when I was a teenager. I had one similar or maybe even the same as that one which I bought from the local college for $15. I remember having to interpolate the amplitudes and frequencies as the knobs only gave you so much information. I used to hook it up to my stereo and run Lissajous curves to impress my friends. Didn't take long to step up to a Tektronics.