
The Breakroom => The Water Cooler => Topic started by: sbwhart on October 12, 2011, 10:36:13 AM

Title: Stew's Crete Holiday
Post by: sbwhart on October 12, 2011, 10:36:13 AM
Bin away on a short break to Crete we were doing a guided Archaeology tour.

Here's a few pictures

This is the old town of Rathenon



On one of our wonders came across this bit of kit I think they were chucking it out of an old cinema, my boss put her foot down and wouldn't let me bring it back.


This is a Manoan tomb


And one of the less known Minoan palaces.


This is the main central plane on Crete


We went on a day boat trip to the island Sanotorine, the island is a volcanic caldera still active the island it self erupted around 2000 Bc and brought an end to the Minoan culture.

On the crossing the boat had to make a detour to check out this boat drifting empty in the middle of the sea.


They put it down to illegal immigrants trying to make their way to Europe what happened to the passengers, no one could say.

This is the central cone of the volcano, the rest of the island encircles it a bit like a half moon.


The houses hang onto the inner lip of the volcano rim, the locals have moved out to the outer edge where their is less risk from earthquakes and turned these houses over to hotels and such like.


The area is known for the blue domed churches.







And hot dogs


Back on Crete we visited Konosos the main Minoan palace on the island its bin partially restored to give you an idea of the level of sophistication of the culture that thrived over 4000 years ago.





Title: Re: Stew's Crete Holiday
Post by: John Rudd on October 12, 2011, 10:40:56 AM
Some superb scenery there Stu, very nice... :thumbup:
Title: Re: Stew's Crete Holiday
Post by: Bernd on October 12, 2011, 11:02:48 AM

First, lovely pictures.

Now a question, in the 8th picture from the last, are those "windmills" without the sails? They look like a Dutch windmill.

Title: Re: Stew's Crete Holiday
Post by: sbwhart on October 12, 2011, 11:39:15 AM
Thanks Chaps

Bernd yes they are windmills, they have cloth sails.

Title: Re: Stew's Crete Holiday
Post by: Stilldrillin on October 12, 2011, 02:36:29 PM
Nicely shown Stew!  :clap:

Thank you....  :thumbup:

David D
Title: Re: Stew's Crete Holiday
Post by: andyf on October 12, 2011, 05:08:28 PM
Looks a great trip, Stew; thanks for showing.

Did the earth move for you while you were on Santorini?  We stayed on the rim of the caldera for 2 or 3 nights, and there were occasional tiny tremors as a reminder of what happened 2000+ years ago. And did you get to the city of Thera? It was only partly excavated 20 years ago, but even so the archaeology was impressive.


Title: Re: Stew's Crete Holiday
Post by: saw on October 12, 2011, 05:16:22 PM
Nice picture, I hope that your'e holyday was good too  :lol: