
Home Base => Introductions => Topic started by: fluxcored on November 05, 2009, 06:42:19 AM

Title: Hello from South Africa
Post by: fluxcored on November 05, 2009, 06:42:19 AM
Hi All,

I stumbled onto this forum by accident and after lurking for about a week finally decided to join.

I'm sorry to say that I have got no machining experience and only recently started out with an old Boxford Model CSB lathe so my contribution will be ..... small.

So far my failures have been much more than my successes. I'm struggling a lot and not making much headway but do enjoy the experience.

I hope to learn a lot from everybody on the forum.

Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: spuddevans on November 05, 2009, 07:19:27 AM
Hi there Fluxcored  :wave: We're very glad to have you here, everyone, whether new or old will have something to add, even if that is only to ask a question.

We're a friendly bunch on here, the only thing we ask for is pictures as  :worthless: If there's anything you are struggling with, put up a post with some pictures of the problem and I am sure that someone on here will be able to help :thumbup:

Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: sbwhart on November 05, 2009, 08:09:23 AM
Welcome aboard the cube fluxcord  :borg:

A boxford lathe is a real good place to start, don't worry about asking to many ?, we all had to start someware, just join in and enjoy the fun.



PS don't forget  :worthless:
Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: John Rudd on November 05, 2009, 08:20:40 AM
Hi fluxcored, welcome to the forum...

Where in SA are you? I used to live there many years ago in Germiston....
Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: fluxcored on November 05, 2009, 08:34:17 AM
Hi Guys,

Thank you for the kind words.

John, I live in George - you'll be surprised to learn that we are currently suffering from the worst drought in 150 years .. or so they say. Our water supply will run out in the next 30 days!!!

I'll try to get a few snaps of the lathe tonight. She's old but I think fairly accurate. At this stage I believe most errors are the operators fault.


Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: bogstandard on November 05, 2009, 10:35:43 AM

Welcome to the madhouse.

At this stage I believe most errors are the operators fault

I am real glad to have seen that in your post, too many newbies blame their machinery, and then spend wads of money, trying to cure non existent faults.
Just looking in the mirror for the fault would have found it out.

Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: Twinsquirrel on November 05, 2009, 10:50:15 AM
Hi Cassidy

The great thing about this hobby is that you are the quality control, if you make a part and it is not right and you cant make it right no one is going to shoot you down in flames, sure it may cost you a few pennies in stock but what price do you put on experience?

Looking forward to learning from you and joining you on our collective journey towards shiney things that go "tick" or "whir" or "bang" or just feel good in your hand.

David TS
Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: CrewCab on November 05, 2009, 02:10:42 PM
Welcome aboard  :thumbup:

Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: Krown Kustoms on November 05, 2009, 03:26:47 PM
Everyone here is full of answers.
Fluxcored-are you a welder?
I got introduced to TIG and find it hard to go back to wire.
Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: Gerhard Olivier on November 05, 2009, 03:56:57 PM
Welcome Cassidy

George is a lovely part when it is not dried out!!!!!!

Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: Bernd on November 05, 2009, 04:40:45 PM
Welcome to the collective Cassidy.  :borg:

We are all still learning so nothing to worry about. Lot's of knowledge here to help you out should you get stuck with a problem. We'll have is solved in no time.

Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: dsquire on November 05, 2009, 05:54:16 PM

Welcome to MadModder. Not much to say that hasn't been said. Hope you get some rain over your way soon. Please show us some of the things that you are up to as you get a chance.  :ddb: :ddb:

Cheers  :beer:

Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: Brass_Machine on November 06, 2009, 06:13:22 PM
Welcome to the collective :borg:

Sorry to hear of the dry spell you guys are having... hope it changes.

Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: fluxcored on November 16, 2009, 02:00:20 AM
Apologies for my rudeness. I had to disappear for about a week on business.

Well here she is.  I hope the photo is attached - if not I'll try again.

Krown Kustoms - I'm a shoemaker by trade - before that I was a biologist, believe it or not - or rather I run the IT systems that controls the manufacturing process of our factories. Not a very glamorous job but it pays the bills. I started to weld because I found it took my mind off the pressures of my job. I did a stint TIG and MIG welding with the pro's a few years back but could'nt justify gas rental for hobbyist purposes. TIG is cool I must admit. I'm about to fire my MIG rig up again and hope to get back to TIG beginning next year. I'm always in awe when I see quality work being done regardless of the trade.

Don, David TS - this is a totally new and very frustrating process for me so it's not that I'm at the lowest rung of the ladder....I'm still looking for the ladder. I hope to learn from you guys.

My biggest stumbling block is lathe tools and I'm trying my hand at grinding some. I also reached a new milestone this weekend - I got my chuck off, so next step is to clean it properly and put it back on. I've got a brand new 4 jaw waiting to be fitted but that's going to be an immense project on its own.

What is great though is that I can actually see how I'm improving over time. And it's a joy to discover the source of my errors.

I would like to build Jan Ridder's flame eater engine for my boy as a present for his 7th birthday, next March but my skills are still lacking very much. For the time being I'm mostly cutting my teeth on turning shafts for my welding fab projects and focusing on improving my finish and accuracy.

Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: sbwhart on November 16, 2009, 02:28:24 AM
Hi Welcome aboard the cube  :borg:.

Thats a nice looking boxford you have there, we have a lots of chaps on her who will help you get the best out of it. A flame licker as a first build is a bit ambitious, they're one of the most difficult engines to get running, so I've been told, how about trying a wobbler for first build, your son will be tickled pink.

You'll find plenty of free plans her.

Have fun


Title: Re: Hello from South Africa
Post by: Davo J on November 16, 2009, 02:41:33 AM
Hi fluxcored and welcome,
Here is a link for grinding lathe tools that I found for another bloke a while back. It may help you as well. Honing the edge after grinding is just as important as the grinding to get a good finish. Nice lathe you have there also.