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Radio Control Models / Re: 1/16 Scale RC Truck parts
« Last post by tom osselton on February 12, 2025, 05:04:50 PM »
 :beer: I’m watching too.
Member Videos / Homemade Headstock Lathe 1 fondry work
« Last post by celsoari on February 12, 2025, 03:14:40 PM »
Homemade Headstock Lathe 1 fondry work

Greetings from Brazil

Celso Ari
Radio Control Models / Re: 1/16 Scale RC Truck parts
« Last post by ozzie46 on February 12, 2025, 06:49:50 AM »
another following

Radio Control Models / Re: 1/16 Scale RC Truck parts
« Last post by BillTodd on February 12, 2025, 03:02:36 AM »
Unless... I'm just a figment of your imagination! 

(In which case  would you be so kind, as to imagine me in a slightly less damp , cold country, with two working knees)
Radio Control Models / Re: 1/16 Scale RC Truck parts
« Last post by ddmckee54 on February 11, 2025, 09:48:09 PM »
Thanks Bill, now at least I KNOW that I'm not just talking to myself.
Radio Control Models / Re: 1/16 Scale RC Truck parts
« Last post by BillTodd on February 11, 2025, 01:57:59 PM »
I'm still quietly following along ;-)
Radio Control Models / Re: 1/16 Scale RC Truck parts
« Last post by ddmckee54 on February 10, 2025, 10:42:36 PM »
Seems like I've just been talking to myself for a while, but there has been a little progress made. 

I cut down the partial axle that was shown previously, and took a little more care with the diameter this time.  I glued the turned stub into the brass tube using a Vee-block to align the parts as the Loctite cured.  The original axle shafts were about 101.8mm, I rounded this up to 102mm.  I had calculated that I needed to take 28mm out of each axle shaft.  But I wanted this "practice" axle to be too long, so I added another 4mm onto my target length.  I then cut the 5mm diameter end of the outboard axle stub to length and turned a 3mm OD stub 10mm long on that end.  I then slipped the axle shaft together and checked the length with my trusty HF 4" caliper.  After deciding it was good enough for "gubmint" work I glued the parts together, again using the Vee-block for alignment

After things had cured for a few hours I couldn't wait anymore and decided to test fit the axle in my 3D printed Frankendiff housing.  I had added another 4mm onto my calculated axle length, and there's a 4mm gap between the 12mm hex driver and the outer bearing.  So I've got a working procedure for narrowing my WLToys rear axles for use on my Bruder truck RC conversions.

Now I only have to do this at least 4 more times and I'll be able to move on to actually building the truck.  I said at least 4, but it will probably be 6 times since I'm 99.44% sure that I'm gonna swipe a very good idea from Blender on another forum and also build a powered steer axle.

The Water Cooler / Re: Metalworkingfun forum
« Last post by WillieL on February 09, 2025, 04:34:09 PM »
Yes, Vinny was the owner of the forum as well as one of the administrators. He is truly missed by many of his members. We lost a good one.  :(
R.I.P. Vince.
Project Logs / Re: Quornish
« Last post by shipto on February 09, 2025, 11:20:42 AM »
B it is. A little cad work let me work out I can do this part quite easily, a little extra machining I guess but nothing I cant manage.
Project Logs / Re: Quornish
« Last post by shipto on February 09, 2025, 10:44:41 AM »
Made wheelhead height nut but I am dithering about how I make the wheelhead collar now. I really need a chuck of steel about 60x50x80 but dont have anything close. The options I have with the available materials are A)Weld some bits together to make a bit I can machine to shape or B)I have a scrapped 70mm shaft at work which I can cut off 80+mm and machine to size with some big rounded chamfers left over. Option B seems the best one to me as the 60mm can be altered to leave less of a chamfer not that it woud effect anything anyway.
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