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Member Videos / Cheap Chinese Temu Steam Boat
« Last post by Jim Dobson on September 19, 2024, 09:12:45 PM »
Cheap Chinese Temu Steam Boat

Okmo Microcosm Rider Ericsson Hot Air pumping Stirling Engine Model R01
What a beautifully constructed engine, it really is exquisitely made and assembled. This is my first Rider Ericsson that I have ever bought and I'm extremely happy with it.
Going to have to work out how I can modify it by lengthening the axle that goes through the flywheel so I can turn up a brass drive wheel to see if it will be able to drive accessories.

Member Videos / Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Last post by hermetic on September 14, 2024, 11:03:05 AM »
Hi folks,

On with the Holbrook B9! I get the motor mounted and start to work on a mechanism to disconnect the drive without turning the motor off. What seemed to be a simple case of a slipping belt clutch, which I have used before many times, including on the 2CV tractor, doesnt work well in this application with much shorter belts and tighter wrap around the pulleys. I learn about the fabric covered V belt which is designed to slip with anything but a full wrap and consider the possibility.  It is coming together, and after reversing cleaning and servicing the motor, she runs, and in the right direction too!

Phil Its beginning to be chilly in East Yorkshire

The Water Cooler / Re: Anyone around Dover TN?
« Last post by awemawson on September 12, 2024, 03:49:00 AM »
I don't know if it's still active, but there used to b an 'ap' called 'up my street' that gave all sorts of information about an area including demographics, crime rate, schools etc.

ps I can help you with the original Dover in Kent UK but not TN !
The Water Cooler / Re: Anyone around Dover TN?
« Last post by Rubes on September 11, 2024, 05:05:18 PM »
that would be a  heck of a commute, Dover and Louden are 4 hours apart:hammer: LOL
just looking for general quality of life type things, or "its a nice place to visit but you don't wanna live here" kind of thing.
Regardless, I will eventually have to contact an agent there and can get some info that way. I just always think they will tell you its shangrila just to sell you something.
The Water Cooler / Re: Anyone around Dover TN?
« Last post by ddmckee54 on September 11, 2024, 03:55:20 PM »
We've got a branch office that does a lot of work in a plant in Louden.  I'm not sure where the engineer that works in that office is actually located but if you want I can check and see if he could help you.
The Water Cooler / Anyone around Dover TN?
« Last post by Rubes on September 11, 2024, 12:19:23 PM »
Im looking to relocate, now  that I'm retired,  from Chicago to Tennessee and the Dover area is looking good to me. Was in Nashville this weekend for a car event so took a drive thru Dover and surrounding areas and liked what I saw.
Anyone have experience with the area?
Software Tools / Re: Moving from Windows 7 to windows 10 - testing 1-2-3
« Last post by sorveltaja on September 09, 2024, 12:42:31 PM »
I've tested Brave browser in W10 (new versions don't work in W7 anymore), as it works well in blocking youtube ads.

It has an option to block autoplay on sites, but it doesn't seem to work on youtube:


or by navigating to Settings -> Privacy and security -> Site and Shield settings -> Additional permissions -> Autoplay

One way that appears to work without any extension(s), is to sign in to youtube. That way it remembers users history/settings as long as the browser's history is cleared, I guess.

Even when the browser is closed and opened again, user is signed in. Don't know how long that 'session' lasts, though. Maybe there are other related settings, either on youtube or in the browser for that.
The Water Cooler / Re: Quiet around here...
« Last post by russ57 on September 09, 2024, 09:12:47 AM »
Member Videos / Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Last post by hermetic on September 07, 2024, 11:03:01 AM »
Hi folks,

On the Holbrook, I set up a double pulley on the motor to give two speeds from the motor, which restores all of the Holbrooks 12 speeds, I get the motor mounting plate sorted, and set up a sliding system in order to select the two pulley positions, and basically, it is all falling into place. A visit to Haxby shed to meet Paul on his home ground, some biographical notes, and a look round his very clean and tidy workshop, which is filled with some classic machine tools!
Phil, in Autumnal East Yorkshire
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