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Member Videos / EngineDiyShop Retrol SE 02 First Live Steam Test
« Last post by Jim Dobson on December 12, 2024, 09:19:24 PM »
EngineDiyShop Retrol SE 02 First Live Steam Test

Its a neat little steam plant, I was a little amazed that both boiler end plates aren't soldered on.
They are only held in place with the centre boiler stay and they each have an 'O' ring to make the two ends water tight.
Works very well, if they ever fail I would be inclined to solder them on which would be relatively easy.

Project Logs / Re: Tool post milling attachment
« Last post by shipto on December 11, 2024, 05:25:37 PM »
Thank you VT however not long after this pic was took I ran into a problem, not with the attachment but with my lathe there must be a broken tooth inside the screw cutting gearbox and it started to jump. Luckily I was not leaving it unattended and managed to withdraw the cutter before it did any damage to the part but it would not do another run without jumping so the finished part is not quite as deep as I wanted but it will do the intended job well enough.
If I wanted to make another the next option is 2 1/4 tpi which would still do but I only want one for my quornish project.
Project Logs / Re: Tool post milling attachment
« Last post by vtsteam on December 11, 2024, 09:55:11 AM »
Still, that looks cool!  :dremel:
Gallery / Re: Kitchen Light Fixtures
« Last post by vtsteam on December 11, 2024, 09:47:48 AM »
Thanks Eric!

Trying to think of anything I'm doing these days that would fit in here. Lathe and machine tools, foundry, etc all just sitting unused. I've been working on my old '96 Silverado, getting it back on the road again, but not much interesting there. Besides the work I've done on the front suspension, brakes and box last summer, it's now with a mechanic who is replacing the fuel tank. I should have it back today.

But I'm getting interested in improving its gas mileage, and that will involve some mods, so maybe something to write about when I do.
Radio Control Models / Re: 1/16 Scale RC Truck parts
« Last post by ddmckee54 on December 10, 2024, 05:11:59 PM »
It's been a bit since I last updated this....

I "WAS" going to print out a new lower die for the U-bolt bender, so I could try my idea of using the brass tubing to protect the threads when bending the legs.  My printer had other ideas though, I got a plugged nozzle on the 2nd or 3rd layer of the part. 

I changed the nozzle and started another print, though about half way through it jammed again.  This time it took out the PTFE liner.  This is the second time in about a month that I've had to change that liner, and I didn't have any more spares.  I ordered some more liners, and some new nozzles, and they have arrived.  I had something similar happen a few years ago, only that was a brand new spool.  When I changed the filament all the problems went away.

I've used old filament before, usually with no problems.  I normally store any left-over filament in a zip-lock bag, and I'll throw a couple of desiccant pouches in with the filament.  I usually don't have any problems doing this.  However I have noticed that if the filament is a year or two old or more - it does tend to break in the feed tube to the extruder.  Especially towards the end of the roll.  It won't break while printing, but if the printer sits for a couple of days there's apparently enough stresses built up in the filament to cause it to break.

Bottom line - the plugged nozzle, the bad PTFE liner, AND the rest of that roll of filament are going to be introduced to the trash can when I put in the new parts.

The Water Cooler / Re: Where’s Hermetic
« Last post by John Rudd on December 09, 2024, 09:16:17 AM »
Glad to hear your doing ok.

Hope your recuperation goes well and doesnt delay things too much for you... :thumbup:
Member Videos / Microcosm Vertical Single Cylinder Steam Engine Model 31
« Last post by Jim Dobson on December 08, 2024, 09:17:23 PM »
Microcosm Vertical Single Cylinder Steam Engine Model 31

Had a lot of fun building a new plinth base for this engine as well as a chuff pot/condensate trap and some other modifications, enjoyed the woodworking and metalworking and making a lot of the parts on my lathe.

Member Videos / Re: EngineDIYShop RETROL SE- 02 Steam Engine Plant Kit
« Last post by Jim Dobson on December 08, 2024, 09:03:09 PM »
Very cool!

Is that your video?

Yes, it is.
The Water Cooler / Re: Where’s Hermetic
« Last post by tom osselton on December 08, 2024, 03:29:45 PM »
Glad to hear your doing ok.
The Water Cooler / Re: Where’s Hermetic
« Last post by hermetic on December 08, 2024, 08:58:02 AM »
I am stillhere guys, just not posting much at the moment, just recuperating after my op! I am due a visit to the workshop on the 11th to do a rust check, pick some stuff up and get the place warmed up and dried out! I will shoot some video while Iam there!
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