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Resources / Re: Photobucket
« Last post by philf on May 14, 2024, 02:20:18 PM »
Just having a brain fart it has been years since we stopped using Photobucket and they keep saying ( Over and Over) they are going to delete our account but never do in my mind that is harassment and we should look into a class action suit. Any thoughts?
I'm fairly sure that the links of photos from Photobucket stopped working when they announced they were going to charge. I found another host and just edited the links to the new host.
I told Photobucket to close my account some time ago. Emails stopped and I just tried to log in and can't.
It's unfortunate that links to Google Photos or Google Drive don't work.
Resources / Re: Photobucket
« Last post by tom osselton on May 14, 2024, 01:14:03 PM »
Just having a brain fart it has been years since we stopped using Photobucket and they keep saying ( Over and Over) they are going to delete our account but never do in my mind that is harassment and we should look into a class action suit. Any thoughts?
Electronics & IC Programing / Re: Unknown component...
« Last post by russ57 on May 13, 2024, 08:32:50 AM »
(and for interest I traced the circuit and loaded it into an online circuit simulation. It is functioning as a voltage doubler, pretty much straight off the mains. Although I could not perform the necessary topology gyrations in my head to make it look like a doubler. Charges a big cap to 700odd volts which are then dropped across a coil.
Electronics & IC Programing / Re: Unknown component...
« Last post by russ57 on May 13, 2024, 08:28:53 AM »
Yep, and to be precise it (was) a selenium rectifier...
I removed and opened it, to the accompanment of falling pieces.
So maybe it had failed, or maybe not, as measuring a stack of selenium junctions with a multimeter Does Not Chooch...
But from what I read of selenium if it wasn't dead, it was dying.

Replaced with 2 x 1n4007. All functional.
Electronics & IC Programing / Re: Unknown component...
« Last post by on May 12, 2024, 02:29:33 PM »
It's a half-wave rectifier.
Member Videos / Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Last post by hermetic on May 11, 2024, 11:04:05 AM »
Hi folks,
This week I get the heat exchanger up on the ceiling, get the boiler in position and finsh most of the plumbing. On Friday I visit a retired precision engineer of very wide experience to put some more three phase sockets in his workshop, and have a good look around at his collection of machinery and one of the many innovative things he has built! A very interesting week!
Sunny and warm in East Yorkshire? It won't last!!
Electronics & IC Programing / Re: Unknown component...
« Last post by Muzzerboy on May 10, 2024, 05:18:36 PM »
Looks very similar to this full bridge rectum frier. But perhaps just a half bridge with 2 diodes.
Electronics & IC Programing / Re: Unknown component...
« Last post by russ57 on May 08, 2024, 08:49:54 PM »
I do, but it is effectively open circuit.
(ie, I think it is dead). Drawing out the circuit to make sure diodes make sense.
(not some odd scr or other complexity)
Electronics & IC Programing / Re: Unknown component...
« Last post by BillTodd on May 08, 2024, 09:22:29 AM »
looks like some kind of rectum frier to me .

Have you a diode test setting on your multimeter?  if so you should be able to read the forward voltage and check each diode.

Electronics & IC Programing / Unknown component...
« Last post by russ57 on May 08, 2024, 09:14:19 AM »
This is in an elma antimag demagnetizer.
I think it is just a pair of diodes. But I'd like to be sure. It has 3 terminals and measures about 5Mohm both forward and reverse across each supposed diode.
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