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Radio Control Models / Re: 1/16 Scale RC Truck parts
« Last post by BillTodd on Today at 01:57:59 PM »
I'm still quietly following along ;-)
Radio Control Models / Re: 1/16 Scale RC Truck parts
« Last post by ddmckee54 on February 10, 2025, 10:42:36 PM »
Seems like I've just been talking to myself for a while, but there has been a little progress made. 

I cut down the partial axle that was shown previously, and took a little more care with the diameter this time.  I glued the turned stub into the brass tube using a Vee-block to align the parts as the Loctite cured.  The original axle shafts were about 101.8mm, I rounded this up to 102mm.  I had calculated that I needed to take 28mm out of each axle shaft.  But I wanted this "practice" axle to be too long, so I added another 4mm onto my target length.  I then cut the 5mm diameter end of the outboard axle stub to length and turned a 3mm OD stub 10mm long on that end.  I then slipped the axle shaft together and checked the length with my trusty HF 4" caliper.  After deciding it was good enough for "gubmint" work I glued the parts together, again using the Vee-block for alignment

After things had cured for a few hours I couldn't wait anymore and decided to test fit the axle in my 3D printed Frankendiff housing.  I had added another 4mm onto my calculated axle length, and there's a 4mm gap between the 12mm hex driver and the outer bearing.  So I've got a working procedure for narrowing my WLToys rear axles for use on my Bruder truck RC conversions.

Now I only have to do this at least 4 more times and I'll be able to move on to actually building the truck.  I said at least 4, but it will probably be 6 times since I'm 99.44% sure that I'm gonna swipe a very good idea from Blender on another forum and also build a powered steer axle.

The Water Cooler / Re: Metalworkingfun forum
« Last post by WillieL on February 09, 2025, 04:34:09 PM »
Yes, Vinny was the owner of the forum as well as one of the administrators. He is truly missed by many of his members. We lost a good one.  :(
R.I.P. Vince.
Project Logs / Re: Quornish
« Last post by shipto on February 09, 2025, 11:20:42 AM »
B it is. A little cad work let me work out I can do this part quite easily, a little extra machining I guess but nothing I cant manage.
Project Logs / Re: Quornish
« Last post by shipto on February 09, 2025, 10:44:41 AM »
Made wheelhead height nut but I am dithering about how I make the wheelhead collar now. I really need a chuck of steel about 60x50x80 but dont have anything close. The options I have with the available materials are A)Weld some bits together to make a bit I can machine to shape or B)I have a scrapped 70mm shaft at work which I can cut off 80+mm and machine to size with some big rounded chamfers left over. Option B seems the best one to me as the 60mm can be altered to leave less of a chamfer not that it woud effect anything anyway.
Member Videos / building a parting tool
« Last post by celsoari on February 08, 2025, 12:11:04 PM »
Building a parting tool


Greetings from Brazil

Celso Ari
Member Videos / Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Last post by hermetic on February 08, 2025, 11:03:56 AM »
Hi folks,
Short week, Monday on Taxi duties, and Thursday at the osteopaths with my shoulder strain! I finally decide to get stuck in to the Holbrook steelwork, and strip off all the drive and underskids for drilling and painting, it goes well, and I may sneak back today (Saturday) and put another coat on, which will be the first coat of black. If it is not sufficiently dry by Monday I will be starting another project in the new space I have now that the stairlifts have GONE!
Phil, In suddenly Wintry East Yorkshire.
OKMO Microcosm Model M31 Vertical Steam Engine Single Cylinder
First run on live steam of this beautiful brass casted vertical steam engine. Really happy with DIY Modifications that I did and the two timber plinths. Made lots of items using my metal lathe and milling machine. The condenser pot was made using three copper plumbing items cut down on the bandsaw, turned on the lathe and drilling and tapping on the milling machine. The inline lubricator needed a complete rebuild and needed to be silver brazed back together. Not sure if the lubricator was made by Stuarts in the U.K or not, I made a new screw top for it and knurled it and put an Australian Miniature Steam Models MSM turn wheel on.

Member Videos / shopmade single flute end mill
« Last post by celsoari on February 05, 2025, 03:22:14 PM »
shopmade single flute end mill

Radio Control Models / Re: 1/16 Scale RC Truck parts
« Last post by ddmckee54 on February 04, 2025, 04:02:12 PM »
If I decide to also build a powered steer axle, I'll need to be able to take the gear off the end of the axle shaft.
 The screw holding the gear is apparently locked on there with some type of schmoo, because all I've been able to do so far is strip out the hex socket on the screw in the shaft that snapped.  Last night before I went to bed I decided that I was going to throw my remaining shortened axle into the oven for a while.  After 10 minutes at 300 degrees F, I gave it a try annddd...

We have a winner!  This should make Future Me's life a little easier.
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