The Shop > Tools

30 rockwell punch?

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I turned a 30 Rockwell punch with a carbide tool today using a carbide tool today. I used it to push a h something through a die and it bent. I also have a 60 RW punch on hand. What should I use to turn that down to size?
Thanks for the help.

If tungsten won't do it then you will need to grind it.

I've turned some pretty hard stuff on the lathe, but no idea how it compares with Rockwells scale.  :ddb:

Hi Fred

Have you any pics of what you're trying to do we may be able to suggest other ways.  :scratch:


Hi Darren and Stew,
I apologize for my first post. I obviously was way too tired and ticked off when I wrote it. Too put it mildly, I was frustrated!  :bang: I should have proof read it and fixed it, before posting.
Stew, as always, no photos. I bought these punches at a mold makers supply house that I found recently. They are approximately 1/2" diameter by 5/16th" tall then have a smaller 3/8" D by 5 and 11/16th" for a total length of 6".
 I turned down the 3/8th" to .199 D and cut it to length.
I am trying to make a die that will convert a fires 22 long rifle case into a jacket for a 22 caliber bullet. The die is made and I am having trouble with the punch that should push it through the die.
The first one bent.
The problem may also be with die. I think that I put a light chamfer in the narrow end. I am considering dressing the end and getting rid of the chamfer. The empty shell goes through the die, but won't let go of the punch and is drawn back into the die. When the next shell goes in it gets deformed when it hits the original shell.
I have not tried the harder punch as yet. When I do, I will post about what happens.
Thanks you both for answering.

Hi Fred

I'm struggling with this one  :scratch:

Sorry I can't help




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