The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Gotta stop buying....Metal Gloat

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Thanks guys.

Bogster is right about actively looking for materials. I've had some luck with friends giving me cast off metals, but most of it was acquired by getting into the yards and digging it out.

I did fall for the "but I might need it" barrier once upon a time, but now I reserve that judgment only for very special metals of which I have only a small amount. Trust me.... I'll hack off a chunk of anything these days, with no hesitation.

Thanks for making even me look sane.....LOL. That is one truly impressive material library

Warm weather is upon us and metal prices are as low as they've been in a couple of years. I picked up a few small pieces of brass for $.85 per pound and some 6061 aluminum rounds for $.60, just yesterday. Time to get out and do some scrounging to build up your stock too.


 ( Warm weather is upon us and metal prices are as low as they've been in a couple of years. I picked up a few small pieces of brass for $.85 per pound and some 6061 aluminum rounds for $.60, just yesterday. Time to get out and do some scrounging to build up your stock too. )

  Wow Cedge where are you located? They are charging $3.00 a lb. for brass and $ 1.50 a lb for aluminum here in Pueblo, CO.

 Only one metal place in town, that has a good selection, lets you scrounge around. He got a corner on the market here. Have other scrap yards but they mostly crush cars and the like.  Not many have brass or aluminum.


I'm located in the Carolinas. Admittedly, not every local scrapper is selling at as low prices as I stumbled onto yesterday, but even the less generous are well below the $3.00 range right now.



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