The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

Mitutoyo 192-611

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I'm sure that something similar must have been used on other equipment - anyone have any clue where I can get one?

Andrew,I don't think this should be too difficult to fix, I have seen the contact buttons from a cheap digital calculator reshaped and modified to replace knackered ones on more expensive/functional items.

Open an old rubber keyed calculator up and see what you can find.....oz.

Edit to add: looking at the size and shape in your photo maybe a contact button from a playstation hand controller or similar,looks very similar.

I've got a tub full of those things.
I'll have a sort out and see if any are the right size.



Well a VERY nice man called Wheeltapper (Roy) sent me a selection of buttons - and with a bit of judicious pruning I've grafted one of these into the 'Preset' button position

So dismantling yet again, I removed the polystyrene dummy button, cleaned up the pcb (which was presumably originally gold flashed, but is now bare copper) pruned and placed Roy's button and put it all back together


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